Whole Person Approach to Coccyx Pain
***this course involves assessment and treatment of the coccyx via the rectum***
Course Booking:
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October 18th, 2025.
This course is suitable for:
Registered Osteopaths
there is no prerequisite for this course
Cost: $TBA + GST
The Living Centre,
16 Trinity Place,
East Melbourne, VIC, 3002,
Detailed anatomy and biomechanics of the pelvis, coccyx and pelvic floor
Understand the functions of the coccyx and how a dysfunctional coccyx can present.
Understand the fascial lines within the body and how the can impact function of the coccyx
Understand the risk factors for coccyx pain, including pregnancy, child birth and both physical and psychological trauma
Understand the inter relationship between coccyx pain and pelvic floor muscle function
Understand the indications, precautions, contraindications for internal rectal examination (Digital Rectal Examination) and treatment, including consent.
Brief understanding of trauma and stress and the impact on both the pelvic floor function and coccyx pain
Perform a physical examination of a patient presenting with coccyx pain. This includes both external and internal assessment
Develop confidence in myofascial release techniques both internal and external to be used in the treatment coccyx pain
Confident in prescribing a self-management program (including pain relief strategies and mobility exercises) for coccyx pain
Develop a whole-person clinical management framework for the management of coccyx pain